What Is Find Out Zimbabwe ? : The One Stop Online Directory.

What Is Find Out Zimbabwe ? : The One Stop Online Directory.

What Is Find Out Zimbabwe?

Find Out Zimbabwe is a Listing & Directory website for businesses in different industry sectors regardless of their size and location. On Find Out Zimbabwe you can access a vast number of listings from restaurants, construction companies, braiders and fun activities to do in each city, town, village or growth point.

Find Out Zimbabwe
Find Out Zimbabwe

What Information Is On A Single Business Listing On Find Out Zimbabwe?

Find Out Zimbabwe
Find Out Zimbabwe

🎇A single business listing has the following information:

Business Name, Identity & Address

  • Business Name 👉This is the trading name of the business e.g. The Beauty Bar.
  • Exact Business Address👉This is the exact address of the service provider e.g. The Beauty Bar is located at 10th & 11th Avenue Josiah Tongogara, Alldeloyd Building, First Floor, Suite B6, Bulawayo Zimbabwe.
  • Logo👉All listings have a logo or a profile picture.
  • Cover Image👉Each listing has a cover image, this makes the profile attractive and interesting, it allows a client to know more about the business before clicking on the listing.

Category & Tags Information

  • Category 👉 Each Find Out Zimbabwe listing has a category allocated to it, this is beneficial to a service user searching for a service provider by category name e.g. braider, hairstylist or hair vendor. When you search by category you don’t have to know the name of the business you can just search by category.
  • Tag/Listing feature 👉 This section is on every business listing, it allows a service user to also search for a business by tags since categories are mostly grouped. Using tags allows you the client to widen your search to find the niched industry you are looking for.

Contact Information

Each listing has an email , phone number, website and social links (their Instagram / Facebook / YouTube or Tiktok account).This allows you to use any of the four given contact platforms to get in touch with the business owner.

Business Operating Hours & Description

Each business listing has business operating hours, allowing anyone to know the operating hours of a service provider. A special feature on a listing is the business description, the business owner describes all the services they provide and any special detail a client might want to know.

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